Open your Mind

Episode Description

In this great episode, Chris and Nikki explore spirituality and get to a place of power for yourself. Your recovery deserves this, your life deserves this. #unitedhearts

Growth Mindset Insulate your own recovery.

We are missing Nikki so Chris and I (Chris) Blast off on a conversation about insulating ourselves from struggle and our secrets to continued success in recovery. You only get back when you put into yourself. No one is going to do this work for you.

Episode 36 Unleash the best you! With special guest Shay Aslett

We invite amazing coach, mentor, and fellow podcaster Shay Aslett in to share some space and he brings out the best in all of us. Shay hosts the I Am Relationships podcast, see the link below. This might be our best podcast ever. This is a great chance to tap the success stories of four people who want you to find the best version of you. Do not skip this one. Listen and share. #unitedhearts #wewintogether

Making hard things less hard. Brain Hacking.

Join us this week as we talk about the secrets to success. This week we talk about the special Addict super power for rationalization and excuses. We put this mind power to good work as we talk about tricks and hacks to make the hard things less harder. 

Stop Procrastinating

We dive deep into the struggle everyone knows, putting shit off until tomorrow, Nicotine user beware we hit you hard in this one. Why not so something good for yourself? Who deserves it more than you? #unitedhearts