Lets Just have FUN!

In this episode we set aside the hard work and the sometimes seemingly endless struggle of recovery to talk about…. why it matters. Finding a way to have fun again. What is fun, where do we find it and by all means how do we make more of it?

Confabulation, how we lie to ourselves.

This is a great 2 part podcast we dig into the details of the non details, the ways we trick and lie to ourselves and what keeps us stuck. Compelling podcast this Week. We are back as a three-part harmony do not miss this one.

The Voices of Recovery Follow the money

Chris and Nikki talk talk money and how we use the tools we gain to better understand the tool of money. This can be and is a huge trigger for many, and money almost always carries multiple meanings. This is a great way to spend a little time today. #unitedhearts