Four years clean!!! How did I do it

I have spent so much of the last four years answering the question “How have you stayed clean? “ I continue to ponder, and refine my response as I learn more and more about my own recovery. So I thought I would lend my understanding for those of you willing. This is a process. There is no way for me to give to you what I have gained over the last four years, however I can share and hope to inspire, in other words, I can lead you to the water…… It is however up to you to drink. Recovery has to work like that because we are all beautiful snowflakes, no one process is going to work for everyone. The outline however remains the same, and I find myself saying this over and over to addicts all over. “Please go easy on yourself, this takes time, energy, and guts to make this happen.” Who cares, nothing in life is free! So with that first little bit in mind, figure out where you are on the journey and lets review some self-starters and other ideas to add to your arsenal of coping skills. Chances are you will find the glove that fits, and when you do….. Nothing can stop you!! Grab on to that, because as a recovering addict/alcoholic you do have a chance to learn things about yourself that without your addiction may have never been discovered. I have said and will say over and over that recovery is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

  • Answer the question….. Why?

This is always a tough one for me to bring up in early recovering addicts but I do it anyway. As a top notch heroin junkie for years I know that asking me anything back then would have been a canned, bullshit response filled with my narcissism and peppered with the lies I told myself to survive.  However I am acutely aware of the reality that this answer came very early in recovery and might have been easier for me than it is for others.  My “why” was centered on restoring hope to my children and providing a chance for them to succeed in this crazy world. I did not need a therapist to tell me, my addiction put all of my kids in a really shitty dangerous place (my therapist did still tell me) I just didn’t need them too.  This great purpose in early recovery grew into the purpose I fulfill now with addicts. How could I have gained so much in recovery and not want to share it with everyone who would listen. Okay that is getting ahead of myself but the answer to the question why, was really to be a father again, to be connected again to my kids, everything trickled down from that core principle. So if you are not a Mother or a Father, you are something else and that is fine. Addicts, humans, family, friends, the world, and I could go on and on. You need to be connected, you need a purpose, and you need to know why that matters!

  • You Matter!

Your voice needs to be heard. You may not believe that now, but there is beauty in that. This can be your moment of self-discovery. Your worth is based on your perception…. THAT IS REALITY! What anyone else thinks may have mattered for every minute of your life up until now, but focus up!  You got yourself into this mess and you are fully capable of getting yourself out. Find the place that scares you and start digging in. You don’t have to be fake not even a little, as a matter of fact the closer you get to the core of who you are and what you believe the more vulnerable and life altering your recovery will be.

  • You can cry if you want to.

This is one of the toughest most significant changes in my life. During my drug use I spent very little time connected to the real me. Early in my recovery I found a friend, he was a tough looking skater type (these were my pre conceived and incorrect judgements, that’s a topic for a whole different handout.) He was a skater and he was a tough guy, but I remember the first time things got super deep in group, I looked up and he was crying, I lost it, I have been an unapologetic crier ever since that moment. I had been taught all my life that “real” men did not cry. This meant years of repressed emotions were about to come pouring out of me, and they did. Now I was like that for several months before I kind of re-centered myself and was able to communicate without fear that these emotional “fits” would get in my way. When I do get emotional I just try to slow down, I do not apologize and I do not regret letting people see this very real and human side of me, it has cultivated so many deep and meaningful connections. I encourage you to feel what you feel. This might be the single most significant thing in your life right now. The reason I say that is simple, there is no way to fully step into recovery without first knowing who you are and what makes you tick. Why are you sad? What makes you happy? Why are you angry? What motivates you? To answer these vital questions you are going to need to be emotionally connected to who you truly are. The authentic self.

  • Be accountable.

This one is going to be super important and probably pretty uncomfortable especially early on in recovery, but really all the time. We have to be true to what we are doing, who we are, and what we say. This is going to be pretty foreign territory for most good drug addicts, since to really be good at this we had to become Unaccountable for just about everything, we had to make everything someone else’s fault.  Now we not only need to look internally for the cues that we are not thinking in our most honest way, we also need to be accountable for all these “recovery” related rules. This is a huge learning curve and it blows a ton of recovering addicts right back to the streets. We have to follow the rules. Whatever the rules are, you should know some are created for the sole purpose of teaching you this principle of living. Others are for your safety, either way what does it matter. You signed up now follow the rules. Life works the exact same way. I cannot tell you what a hard and shitty realization it was for me. Here is the ultimate reality, not following rules may in your mind go undiscovered, for me not following rules and allowing Shane to escape accountability while I was in rehab nearly killed him, and most definitely set his recovery back. Because I was not accountable and held to some bullshit “code” he nearly died and I would have shared in the responsibility in that.  I am thankful for how it worked out, but bottom line is the best way to the best possible recovery is through the most honest and accountable process you can find. It will never be perfect, it should always be your best effort.

  • Be Brave.

No one could ever take this one from me. I learned early and often that it would take courage to recover. I still work on this constantly, that the beauty of the process, it will always be evolving and get better and harder. Courage is defined in my mind, as moving forward even though it is uncertain and hard.  For a control freak like me that statement alone is enough to create a mild panic attack. I have throughout my recovery and in my personal life, intentionally created situations with uncertain outcomes. When I take a Sunday drive, I have no idea where I might end up. What I try to pay attention too is the payoff at the end. I have countless personal stories about courage. I can say and have said many times that one of the things I picked up in my recovery came from a close personal friend. She taught me that 5 seconds of courage could change your entire life. I have on numerous occasions used her tiny little voice in my head to move towards doing amazing things, I said yes to my first public speaking assignment because of courage, I have said yes to so many things that I ran in fear of before. This is the one promise I can make, you will live a more connected and more fulfilling life when you rely on courage rather than make choices based in fear. Remember fear is typically based in an “old” script. Chances are as a recovering addict you are not who or what you think you are. You are powerful and capable of far more than you can imagine. The only way to prove that is to take 5 seconds of courage and jump in with both feet. So easy to say and so hard to do. Practice, practice, practice.

  • Work for balance.

Finding your way to balance in life is such a monumental challenge at times. I want you to look at areas where your life is out of balance. This right now may be super obvious and a lack of balance is somewhat normal while you try to find your bearings in recovery, this might mean that your job, family life, love life, and social behavior are all shifted for a time. You cannot just declare that you want balance, as a matter of fact you can run on three wheels for a lot longer than you think. My point in telling you that is to remind you that just knowing your life is out of balance will not change a damn thing. You need to make the effort to move to a more centered place in your life. Best example for me to put some perspective on this will over simplify but will help you see what I mean. Let’s say I have set a goal to lose weight….. I know I need to eat right and exercise. This seem like simple program, now let’s add in the idea that I work full time, I have a girlfriend, I have 4 kids, and I am hooked on three different shows on Netflix. Now this may not be far from my actual reality, but as long as I have a purpose and I am goal oriented it is easy to see that my priorities will have to shift to maintain balance. It does not say all or any one thing needs to be cut out, but things will have to change. The reason I bring it up at all, because my default is to try and maintain all of these things at the current level I either need more hours in a 24 hour day or all of them will suffer. Looking for and understanding balance is so critical to living in the gray area and not pushing yourself into black and white disastrous thinking patterns.

  • Be motivated.

I wish just saying this could be all it takes. I find being motivated so easy when things are going my way…. Funny right that I do great staying engaged when things are easy. The key to recovery and the key to a rock solid foundation to live on, is finding ways to stay motivated when life is throwing all it has straight at your face. You must know something about motivation or you would still be out on the street using and abusing.  Something burns inside of you, something that whispers to you that you are more than what you have come to accept, you are bigger and more powerful than the storm. In order to tame your demons you will need to be motivated. For me this comes from the clearly defined goals that govern my life. It is easy for me even on the toughest of days to do a few small things that move me toward my goals in my purpose. This provides a thought pattern that reminds me I am a powerful and unstoppable force. This allows me to recognize that only I can get in my way. With these little “pump up” sessions I am typically able to push my way through walls and climb over obstacles. All of this super tough talk is great and it gets me though a lot of struggle, but when the physical forces of sickness, trauma, tragedy, that are all very real close in around you. Do not use “motivation, or the lack of” to create a world of failure and negative self-talk. Look at the scope of all you are doing and above all be compassionate with yourself and those that you love and love you.

  • Finally Be Positive.

This leads me to the single most important tenant of recovery and my life. Positive is not some bullshit idea that I came up with. It takes a mountain of work and strong mental ability to live in a world of positive, when everything that comes your way sometimes feels shrouded in darkness. I can tell you it is also not some cockeyed bullshit rose colored glass approach I have to reality. I know shit gets real, and I know shit gets real bad. What I refuse to acknowledge is that means I have to change my lens. My lens gets dirty, sometimes downright cracked and covered with shit! I hear and see things that feel like my heart could break and everything I am trying to maintain could just leak out. In those moments I turn to my peers, those who I love and that love me.  Finally is the super vital practice of understanding your brain and working towards rewiring it. Have you ever wondered why on a relatively good day, one bad thing can happen and that is all you think about, or how about when a relationship is going well and fine, but you can only focus on one little fight, or a time your feelings got hurt. This is because we default to the negative, this is the protective bias of the human brain.  Negative sticks like Velcro and positive seems to slip off like a nonstick frying pan. So the remedy to this, the “practice” for you to improve, is to become oriented to the positive experiences in your life. This can be self-created or the moments in everyday that you enjoy, the key is to take in those moments, experience them and make strong mental note of them, for me this all started in the sauna at the gym. I started meditating there, soon it became a place of refuge for me in almost every day and because I enjoyed it, and because I had experienced it in such a positive way, my default to any tough day was to get to the sauna, now I have learned and practiced this in several areas of my life, but I find great positive moments, fishing, walking, working out, the sauna etc. These are just thought starters, everybody does something they enjoy….. Are you truly enjoying it?

For me all of these things needs to be part of your process, they will help you reconnect to yourself, which will provide the means to connect to others, which by the way is the core key component of every single recovery program out there. You need to reconnect. Life is an extraordinary, challenging adventure. You have to be engaged in the process of living it or you will miss it.

Perpetually Permeate Positivity

The rule is easy you have to make a choice to be positive. The reasons for your negative feelings has been wrapped up and hidden in the world of your addiction. So as you move forward this will get easier.

Likely the best part about being positive are the effects it has on you and everyone around you. That may seem cliche and sound silly, but you get back exactly what you put into this life. That rule never applies more than it does to the power of positive thinking. As you feel more positive, you will see and find more positive in your life.  It creates a domino effect in your life as those around you feel and become more positive.

The power of positivity is far reaching when it comes to building a new life in addiction recovery. Sustained focus on happiness helps people to live life to its fullest.

Let’s look at the perks of positivity.

  • Positivity has been shown to boost the immune system, meaning your body will fight off infections better and you stay healthy longer.
  • Positivity has been shown to actually reduce inflammation.
  • When we are more positive we feel more energetic, thus we do more things we enjoy in life.
  • When we are positive we are more likely to achieve our goals.
  • When we are positive we are better equipped to deal with stress.
  • Positive people attract positive people, this can create more positive relationships.
  • Positivity can help you live longer, happier, and more fulfilled life.

These things are all important to understand in recovery because:

  • Living and feeling more positive will reduce the risk of relapse on alcohol or other DOC.
  • Positive mindset and energy will give you purpose and happiness in recovery.
  • By being positive you attract positive this creates likeminded positive thinkers and feelers in your recovery support network.
  • When you are in recovery and the challenges of the process step up, your positive feelings will help guard against overwhelming stress or despair.
  • Maybe most beneficial this gives you a look at what life can feel like outside the world of drugs and alcohol, it can be the mortar in your brick by brick foundation of recovery.

Okay so living a happy and positive life is a choice and we can make it, but it often takes a conscious effort. Here are some tips for living happily & more positive.

  • Look for the positive. I can tell you from experience that I have found ways to laugh and have fun at some seriously f-ed up situations. This helps remind me that the situation will get better and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. So consider this when you look at a tough situation. What is positive about the situation (sometimes you will really have to use your imagination)

Is there an opportunity in this situation to do somethings more positive? Instead of beating yourself up and looking at the mud you are in, figure out how to get out of the mud.

  • Work on more positive relationships. This is another easy one for me, I surround myself with positive people close in my life, I don’t judge, but I make a choice to not engage with or stick around with negative people whenever possible. Most of the time in my circles I am the negative one, something I need to work on and pay attention to always.
  • Slow it down. You notice when you are stressed and negative things seem to spiral and we make bad choices and snap decisions. Best advice, slow it all down. Enjoy the moment you are in, whether you are driving, eating, talking, showering, hey just recovering. Take your time in the process. We have been programmed since are early youth to always hurry, just take a breath for hell sake!
  • Give back. Find service, nothing will make you feel better faster than doing good deeds for someone else. This is the best kept secret of all the passionate purveyors of positivity they give of their money, their time, and themselves often and with passion. This is a key in recovery that goes far beyond drugs and alcohol. Can’t figure out how to serve? Just be helpful, become an amazing listener, and spread Joy.
  • Give yourself permission to be you. One of the hardest parts of anyone’s life is STEPPING INTO THE LIGHT OF WHO THEY REALLY ARE. So many of us have taken on the judgement of others or worn masks afraid of who we really are. The messages we tell ourselves shapes our fear and what we believe about who we are. Our gift and our blessing in recovery is the ability to shed the persona and become us. The men and women we once set out to be. Giving ourselves permission to be is a critical step in positive thinking.

The way that you think will impact the way you experience the world – and it will impact your recovery from addiction. Taking positive action to generate positivity will help get you there

Now with all these fancy words and a lot of hard work you might get through a few hours or even a day and you will be fine, but with-out shifting and permanently changing your thought process it will be short lived. For me the feeling of being and remaining positive are sometimes so foreign in nature that not being able to feel positive becomes like part of the break down. So let us use the resource Buddah’s Brain to walk through some solid practice. Please follow me to the next page.

From Chapter 6 (Buddah’s Brain) with commentary from a reader (me)

  • It is important to cool, or eliminate your causes of suffering and to warm up the causes of your happiness. Intentions is a powerful way to do this, intentions involve strength applied to clear and appropriate goals, sustained over time. Most of the time our intentions take over and work in the background without our awareness. Keeping our intentions pure is part of a solid recovery strategy and will benefit us in ways we cannot even imagine.
  • The key to pure intentions is to move our emotions towards the principle not the outcome. So if you are doing good for someone else, you need not be attached to how they receive it.
  • Become aware of how you feel during these times and recognize where the feelings came from, this will give you power to begin calling these emotions up when you need or want to experience them, they also get added to the bank of emotions. It will also add to a measure of your confidence, giving you the ability to trust your own emotions as you move further in recovery.

Listen this is a pretty loose and liberal translation of the Buddha’s Brain teaching, the book goes deep into the Neuroscience behind the emotions feelings and behaviors. So if you want to know more, read the book.

The basics fundamentals of positive emotions once again start with you. I would however like to point out that it is a practice, something you will need to work on every day. Knowing the stuff I have shared and using any part of it will not help rainbows shoot out of your ass.  Although it may increase the chances. The fastest way to a positive outlook is to stay in the moment. Don’t worry about the past cause you cannot change it, don’t worry about the future it is not here yet, and just focus on right now today because you have that in the palm of your hand.

The Chris and Shane method, an overly ridiculous game that ended up changing both of our experiences at Alpine.

I have told the story before about how Shane and I would get out of or avoid doing our chores. It started to make us look a bit lazy and it started to effect the house. So we were being bitched at by the house mother and her assistant resident house mother. We decided we needed to help. This did not sit well with either of us. The “real” house mother made a suggestion that we try to make the best of it, and frankly we set out to punish her for the suggestion, so as we did our chores we started making all these ridiculously over the top statements about how great it was, how much we loved doing chores, and how we appreciated the chance to service. We went on and on and on.  So when we were done and finally had a little time we discussed what happened. See while we were pissed off and angry when we started we were laughing and having a great time, along with most of the other residence by the time it was over. This was pretty wild to experience and we started a little social experiment to see how far this would go.  It actually become a fundamental part of the process for us, and we leaned on it countless times after that day. The process was really simple. Take whatever the situation you are in and make it positive, then turn it up to crazy positive.

So it is not just;

“great to be in rehab”

It is;

“unbelievable to be in this amazing rehab nestled in the armpit of beautiful Alpine Utah on such an amazing and beautiful day”

Not just;

“we are happy to be helping”


“we are so thrilled to be lending our abilities to the amazing people we are in this amazing rehab with, seeing how amazingly quick the work goes when we are a team, this is awesome.”

Not only;

“we are blessed to be going to a meeting”

But more like;

“This rehab van is the most amazing vehicle, it holds all of us safely and play the best most moving music, we are close to our friends with a super capable driver, headed to the best meeting in the area for the place and the time, I cannot wait to get there and listen and share and this is just so unbelievably fantastic.”

Hopefully you get the idea, anyway we took what we had seen and learned and felt and broke it down in Buddah’s Brain. See it turns out when you verbalize your positive emotions your brain actually jumps on board along with your confused ego and starts making everything you are going on about as true as possible. This is really the most overtly easy thing you could ever do, and in all the times we have done it we have not seen it fail. The key is to never let the sarcasm come in, you have to fight your hardest to be as sincere as possible. Yes sometimes it will be a fight, like riding around in a freaking rehab van, but you can do this, and doing it in your head is not enough. Your brain has to form the words so your ego and the egos around you can marry up to them.

Being positive is worth it, look at all the benefits I have listed and all the ways it can help, negativity is the byproduct of fear and stress, if you cannot get past it then you need to work on it.  See your way to let this be the shifting point in your recovery. Yeah this shit is hard, who cares, because you can do hard things.