The Voices of Recovery #34 All about having a life!

Shane and Chris dive into long term recovery habits, methods, and what they have done or do to stay connected. Recovery is about connections. Get busy!

2 thoughts on “The Voices of Recovery #34 All about having a life!”

  1. Thank you guys so much! Great message and just what I needed to hear! I’m going to continue to pound it with kindness! Keep up the great work and stay woke!

  2. I really needed this one , I have had some real life crisis, s seaside of friends , some lack of good parent hood , I’m sitting in my shit puddle , if you know me at all I’m not a cryer, I sat for 3dsys straight bawling, questioning why do people do what they do but I realize I can’t answer that that’s not my job my job is how do I make myself a better person friend lover and mother, bit it seams when I’m keeping my side of the road clean, and still feel like the sky is falling what to do ? I miss Saturday’s bit I’ve got s small job hard work low pay but it helps me get out of my own head , but just wanted to check in and say miss you guys lobe you and my alpine crew

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